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Vladimir privat

Ich wollte immer ein Art von "musikalisches Tagesbuch" führen, in dem ich meine Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen mit anderen teilen kann. 
Hier werden Sie spannende Geschichten aus dem Leben eines Musikers finden, der auf den Bühnen der Welt zuhause ist. Vielleicht treffen wir uns mal live bei einem Konzert. Ich freue mich immer Liebhaber der Musik, Fans der Bratsche oder einfach interessante Menschen kennenzulernen!
Vladimir Babeshko © Stephan Glathe
Vladimir Babeshko, Stephan Glathe©Stephan Glathe
Vladimir Babeshko in Esslingen©privat

27-28 August 2021

Was visiting my photograph Stephan Glathe in his studio. He is not just a talented photograph (please check his website to see his works,, he is also excellent grillmaster. Looking forward for future work with him!

On the next day was visiting Esslingen. Played concert several years ago there but never had time to visit. Was a good idea to see this lovely town.

Vladimir Babeshko mit Anne-Sophie Mutter, Ye-Eun Choi, Daniel Müller-Schott © privat

17 Septemeber 2020
Wiener Konzerthaus with Beethoven, Widmann and Schubert program, as well encores from earlier Mozart Quartetts. Between rehearsals and concerts as always very important what to eat before concert. This time not just played together with Anne-Sophie Mutter, Ye-Eun Choi, Daniel Müller-Schott but had joinful "diet': Wiener Schnitzel and Sacher Torte. Will miss it, but hope to be back soon.
We got wonderful review from Wiener Zeitung  after our concert too:
„Most interesting of all is the observation of Vladimir Babeshko: ....warm sound, always in contact with the others. An ideal middleman between violin and cello.“

Vladimir Babeshko mit Anne-Sophie Mutter,Ye-Eun Choi,Daniel Müller-Schott7Elbphilharmonie©Sebastian Madej

3 September 2020
Elbphilharmonie and first concerts of season 2020/21 perfomed with amazing Anne-Sophie Mutter, Ye-Eun Choi and Daniel Müller-Schott. What an unbelivable feeling and happiness to be on stage together celebrating Beethoven 250 anniversary. We played 2 concerts on this evening with different programms, with intermission beetwenn then (1,5 hours). New challenges and trying to keep fit and finding the best way to spend in long intermision beetwenn concerts. If someone have any ideas?
By the way we played as well Jörg Widmann String Quantett Nr. 6 (Study about Beethoven) and it was European premier as well. World premier was in Suntory Hall, Tokyo. I couldn't think about better start of season 2020/2021

©Uwe Linke

16 July 2020
Yesterday was last concert of season 2019-2020 and even with public.
I don’t want that this season stays in my memory as a season of some postponed and few canceled concerts, but rather remembering it as a season with wonderful concerts in Argentina, Peru, Columbia, China, USA, Japan and Europe as well.
I don’t want that this summer will stay in my memory as a first summer when I will be not able to visit my family, but rather have an excitement of looking forward to hug my mom again in Europe in autumn.
I don’t want to feel bad that I had a Covid-19 but rather being thankful that I had amazing friends who took excellent care about me during my Covid-19.
Dear Vladimir from future, who is reading this as a reminder in a few years here and probably smiling right now, please continue being happy and thankful everyday, as you are now.

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